advisory committee

Advisory Committee

Meaning in Nepali: सल्लाहकार समिति, सल्लाहकारी समिति

Pronunciation: (ad-vahy-zuh-ree kuh-mi-tee)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advisory: (noun) सल्लाहकार, (adjective) सल्लाहकारिता
  • Committee: (noun) समिति, (verb) समितिकरण
  • Advice: (noun) सल्लाह, (verb) सल्लाह दिनु
  • Consultation: (noun) परामर्श, (verb) परामर्श गर्नु
  • Guidance: (noun) मार्गदर्शन, (verb) मार्गदर्शन गर्नु


  • Advisory Board
  • Consultative Committee
  • Advisory Panel
  • Advisory Group
  • Advisory Council


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Advisory committees are groups of individuals who provide advice, guidance, and recommendations on specific matters to an organization or governing body. These committees are formed to ensure diverse perspectives and expertise are considered in decision-making processes. In Nepali, advisory committees are referred to as “सल्लाहकार समिति” or “सल्लाहकारी समिति.” They play a crucial role in offering insights, evaluating proposals, and assisting in policy development. Advisory committees often consist of subject matter experts, stakeholders, and representatives from relevant fields. Their recommendations help shape strategies, policies, and actions. By collaborating with various stakeholders, advisory committees contribute to informed decision-making and enhance the effectiveness of organizations and governing bodies.