auditory meatus

Auditory Meatus Meaning in Nepali: श्रवण नलिका, कानको नलिका, कानको छिद्र

Nearby Words:

Noun: Ear, Eardrum, Earlobe, Earwax, Ear canal

Adjective: Auditory, Audible, Aural, Acoustic, Sonic

Verb: Hear, Listen, Eavesdrop, Attend, Perceive

Part of Speech:



(aw-di-tawr-ee mee-uh-tuhs)

Auditory Meatus Synonyms:

Ear canal (कानको नलिका), Ear passage (कानको छिद्र), External auditory canal (बाह्य श्रवण नलिका), Acoustic meatus (ध्वनिक नलिका), External acoustic meatus (बाह्य ध्वनिक नलिका), Ear tube (कान नलिका)

Description and Origination:

The auditory meatus, also known as the ear canal or ear passage, is a part of the ear that connects the outer ear to the middle ear. It is a tube-like structure that allows sound waves to travel from the pinna (visible part of the ear) to the eardrum. The auditory meatus plays a crucial role in the process of hearing by transmitting sound vibrations to the middle ear. It is lined with specialized skin and contains small hairs and glands that produce earwax. The term “auditory meatus” originated from the Latin words “audire” meaning “to hear” and “meatus” meaning “passage.”


Deafness (बधिरता), Silence (मौन), Inaudibility (अश्रव्यता), Muteness (मूकता), Soundlessness (शांतता)

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