Athenaeum Meaning in Nepali: अथेनियम, अथेनियम्, अथेनियम्, अथेनियम्, अथेनियम्
Nearby Words:
Noun: संग्रहालय, पुस्तकालय, विद्यालय, अध्ययनकेन्द्र, शोधकेन्द्र
Part of Speech:
Athenaeum Synonyms:
library (पुस्तकालय), academy (अकादमी), institute (संस्थान), center (केन्द्र), school (विद्यालय), collection (संग्रह)
Description and Origination:
An athenaeum is a noun that refers to a library, academy, or institute. It is a center of learning and research. The word originated from Latin and Greek, where it meant “temple of Athena,” the Greek goddess of wisdom. In modern usage, it typically refers to a cultural or educational institution.
ignorance (अज्ञान), illiteracy (निरक्षरता), stupidity (मूर्खता), inexperience (अनुभवहीनता), unawareness (अज्ञानता)
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