
Analogical Meaning in Nepali: तुलनात्मक, सादृश्यबारे, तुलनात्मक अर्थ, तुलनात्मक अर्थमा, तुलनात्मक अर्थको

Nearby Words:

Noun: तुलनात्मकता, तुलनात्मकताको

Adjective: तुलनात्मक, तुलनात्मकी

Part of Speech:




Analogical Synonyms:

1. Comparative – तुलनात्मक

2. Similar – सादृश्यपूर्ण

3. Corresponding – अनुरूप

4. Proportional – अनुपातिक

5. Parallel – समानान्तर

6. Equivalent – समानार्थक

Description and Origination of Analogical:

Analogical is an adjective that relates to or involves analogy. It is derived from the word “analogy” which means a similarity or comparison between two things. In Nepali, analogical is translated as “तुलनात्मक” which signifies the concept of comparison or similarity. It is used to describe something that is based on or characterized by analogy.


1. Dissimilar – असादृश्यपूर्ण

2. Unrelated – असम्बन्धित

3. Different – विभिन्न

4. Incompatible – असंगत

5. Disproportional – अनुपातिक

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