
Attendances Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “attendances” can be translated into several meanings. Some of the Nepali meanings of “attendances” include: सभागत, उपस्थिति, उपस्थित, उपस्थिति, उपस्थिति, and सभागमन।

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech:

1. Attend (verb) – उपस्थित हुनु

2. Attendance (noun) – उपस्थिति

3. Attendant (noun) – सहायक

4. Attention (noun) – ध्यान

5. Attentive (adjective) – चेतन

Part of Speech: Attendances is a noun.

Pronunciation: (uh-ten-duhns-iz)

Attendances Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of “attendances” in English with their Nepali translations:

1. Presence – उपस्थिति

2. Participation – सहभागिता

3. Appearance – दिखावट

4. Attendance – उपस्थिति

5. Involvement – संलग्नता

6. Engagement – संलग्नता

Origination of Attendances

The word “attendances” originated from the verb “attend” and the noun “attendance.” It refers to the act of being present or the number of people present at a particular event or place.


Some antonyms of “attendances” in English with their Nepali translations include:

1. Absence – अनुपस्थिति

2. Nonattendance – अनुपस्थिति

3. Inattention – असावधानी

4. Neglect – उपेक्षा

5. Disengagement – असंलग्नता

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