at the word of command

At the Word of Command Meaning in Nepali: आदेशको शब्दमा (adēśakō śabdama), आदेशको आवाजमा (adēśakō āvājamā), आदेशको आदेशमा (adēśakō ādēśamā)

Nearby Words:

Noun: Command (आदेश), Order (आदेश), Directive (आदेश), Instruction (आदेश), Decree (आदेश)

Verb: Command (आदेश गर्नु), Order (आदेश गर्नु), Direct (आदेश गर्नु), Instruct (आदेश गर्नु), Dictate (आदेश गर्नु)

Part of Speech:



(at thē wərd əv kəˈmand)

At the Word of Command Synonyms:

On command (आदेशमा), At the order (आदेशमा), At the signal (संकेतमा), On signal (संकेतमा), On cue (संकेतमा), On the signal (संकेतमा)

Description and Origination: The phrase “at the word of command” refers to the act of following instructions or carrying out an action immediately upon receiving a command. It signifies prompt obedience and adherence to authority. This phrase is commonly used in military contexts, where soldiers are expected to respond swiftly to orders. It emphasizes the importance of discipline and coordination in executing tasks. The phrase originated from the hierarchical structure and strict discipline within military organizations.


Without command (आदेश रहित), Against orders (आदेशको विपरीत), Disobediently (अनुशासनबिरुद्ध), Defiantly (अवज्ञाकारी ढंगले), Contrarily (विपरीत ढंगले)

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