
Asynchronous Meaning in Nepali: असमयिक, असमयिक रूपमा, असमयिक ढंगले, असमयिक रूपमा, असमयिक ढंगले

Nearby Words:

Noun: समय, अवधि, अवसर, अवस्था, अवस्थान

Adjective: असमयिक, असमयिक रूपमा, असमयिक ढंगले

Part of Speech:




Asynchronous Synonyms:

1. Uncoordinated – असमन्वयी

2. Disconnected – असंयोजित

3. Independent – स्वतंत्र

4. Separate – अलग

5. Unsynchronized – असमकालिक

6. Non-simultaneous – असमकालिक

Description and Origination of Asynchronous:

Asynchronous refers to something that does not occur at the same time or in coordination with something else. It is commonly used in the context of communication or computing, where it describes processes or events that happen independently and without requiring immediate synchronization. The term “asynchronous” originated from the Greek word “asynkhronos,” meaning “not simultaneous.” In the context of Nepali language, “asynchronous” can be translated as “असमयिक” or “असमयिक रूपमा.”


1. Synchronous – समकालिक

2. Coordinated – समन्वयी

3. Simultaneous – समकालिक

4. Connected – संयोजित

5. Synchronized – समकालित

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