

Meaning in Nepali: सल्लाहकार, सल्लाहकर्ता

Pronunciation: (ad-vahy-zer)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advice: सल्लाह
  • Advise: सल्लाह दिनु
  • Advisable: सल्लाह दिन सकिने
  • Advisory: सल्लाहकारी
  • Advisee: सल्लाह लिने व्यक्ति


  • Counselor
  • Consultant
  • Mentor
  • Guide
  • Tutor


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Adviser, also spelled as advisor, refers to a person who provides guidance, suggestions, and recommendations to others. In Nepali, the word “adviser” can be translated as “सल्लाहकार” or “सल्लाहकर्ता”. It is a noun and is commonly used in various contexts.

Some nearby words related to “adviser” include “advice” (सल्लाह), “advise” (सल्लाह दिनु), “advisable” (सल्लाह दिन सकिने), “advisory” (सल्लाहकारी), and “advisee” (सल्लाह लिने व्यक्ति).

Synonyms for “adviser” include counselor, consultant, mentor, guide, and tutor. These words can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for “adviser” were found in Nepali.

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