at the eleventh hour

At the Eleventh Hour Meaning in Nepali: अन्तिम घण्टामा, अन्तिम समयमा, अन्तिम बेलामा

Nearby Words:

Noun: घण्टा, समय, बेला

Adjective: अन्तिम, अन्तिमकालीन

Part of Speech:



(at thuh ih-lev-uhnth ou-er)

At the Eleventh Hour Synonyms:

1. Last minute – अन्तिम मिनेट

2. Just in time – समयमै

3. In the nick of time – समयमा

4. Right before the deadline – मुहारमा

5. At the last moment – अन्तिम पलमा

6. In the final hour – अन्तिम घण्टामा

Description and Origination:

The phrase “at the eleventh hour” means doing something at the last possible moment or just before a deadline. It originated from the biblical parable of the laborers in the vineyard, where workers were hired throughout the day, with those hired at the eleventh hour receiving the same payment as those hired earlier. This phrase is commonly used to emphasize the urgency or importance of completing a task or making a decision before it’s too late.


1. Early – अगाडि

2. Ahead of time – समयभन्दा अगाडि

3. In advance – पूर्वजन्य

4. Beforehand – पहिले

5. Prematurely – अगाडि

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