Analytic Meaning in Nepali: विश्लेषणात्मक, विश्लेषणशील, विश्लेषणात्मकता, विश्लेषणशीलता
Nearby Words:
Noun: Analysis (विश्लेषण), Analyst (विश्लेषक), Analytical (विश्लेषणात्मक), Analyzation (विश्लेषण), Analyzing (विश्लेषण)
Adjective: Analytical (विश्लेषणात्मक), Analyzable (विश्लेषणयोग्य), Analyzed (विश्लेषित), Analyzing (विश्लेषण)
Part of Speech:
Analytic Synonyms:
Logical (तार्किक), Rational (तार्किक), Systematic (व्यवस्थित), Methodical (विधिमान), Scientific (वैज्ञानिक), Investigative (अन्वेषणात्मक)
Description and Origination of Analytic:
Analytic refers to the ability to analyze or the process of analysis. It is derived from the Greek word “analytikos” meaning “able to loosen or dissolve.” In the context of language, it pertains to the examination and interpretation of words, sentences, and texts to understand their meaning and structure. Analytic thinking involves breaking down complex ideas into simpler components to gain a deeper understanding. It is an essential skill in various fields such as science, mathematics, and philosophy.
Illogical (अतार्किक), Irrational (अतार्किक), Unsystematic (अव्यवस्थित), Unmethodical (अविधिमान), Unscientific (अवैज्ञानिक), Non-investigative (अन्वेषणात्मक नभएको)
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