
Arrogances Meaning in Nepali: अहंकार, घमण्ड, दम्भ, अभिमान (noun)

Nearby Words:

Noun: Arrogance (अहंकार), Pride (गर्व), Ego (अहं), Vanity (दम्भ), Haughtiness (घमण्ड)

Part of Speech:



(uh-roh-guh ns)

Arrogances Synonyms:

1. Hubris (अहंकारीता)
2. Conceit (अभिमान)
3. Superciliousness (घमण्ड)
4. Presumption (अभिमान)
5. Arrogance (अहंकार)
6. Vanity (दम्भ)

Description and Origination of Arrogances:

Arrogances refer to the quality of being arrogant or having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. It is a noun that originated from the Latin word “arrogantia” meaning “claiming for oneself.” Arrogances can manifest as pride, ego, vanity, or haughtiness. It is often associated with a negative attitude and behavior towards others, displaying a lack of humility and respect. Arrogances can hinder personal growth and relationships, as it creates a barrier between individuals. It is important to cultivate humility and empathy to overcome arrogances and foster healthy connections with others.


Humility (विनम्रता), Modesty (माधुर्य), Meekness (नम्रता), Submissiveness (वश्यता), Timidity (भयभीतता)

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