
Alarmist Meaning in Nepali

Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective

Meanings in Nepali:

  1. भयानक (bhayānaka)
  2. आग्रही (āgrahī)

Pronunciation: [uh-lahr-mist]

Nearby Words

Word Part of Speech Nepali Meaning
Alarm Noun खतरा (khatrā)
Alert Noun, Verb सतर्कता (sataraktā)
Anxious Adjective चिन्तित (chintita)
Panic Noun, Verb आतंक (ātaṅka)
Distress Noun, Verb दुःख (duḥkha)

Synonyms of Alarmist

  • Exaggerator
  • Pessimist
  • Catastrophist
  • Scaremonger
  • Chicken Little

Antonyms of Alarmist

आशावादी (āśāvādī) – Optimist

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Remember, an alarmist is someone who tends to exaggerate or create unnecessary fear or panic about a situation. This word can be used as both a noun and an adjective in English.