
Astir Meaning in Nepali: चलिरहेको, गतिशील, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेको, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेका

Nearby Words:

Noun: चलिरहेको, गतिशील, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेको, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेका

Verb: चलिरहेको, गतिशील, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेको, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेका

Adjective: चलिरहेको, गतिशील, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेको, चलिरहेका, चलिरहेका

Part of Speech of Astir:


Pronunciation of Astir:


Astir Synonyms:

active (सक्रिय), moving (हिल्लो), stirring (हल्लाहल्ली), lively (जीवन्त), bustling (गतिशील)

Description and Origination of Astir: Astir is an adjective that describes something or someone in motion or active. It originated from the Old English word “on styre,” which means “in motion.” Astir is commonly used to describe a state of activity or movement.


still (अचल), motionless (अचल), inactive (निष्क्रिय), stationary (अचल), immobile (अचल)

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