
Avenues Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings of Avenues:

गल्ली, मार्ग, रास्ता, उपाय, विचार, अवसर

Nearby Words:

– Noun: गल्ली (galli), मार्ग (marg), रास्ता (rasta)

– Noun: उपाय (upaya), विचार (vichar), अवसर (avasar)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (av-uh-nyoos)

Avenues Synonyms:

1. Paths (मार्गहरू)

2. Routes (रास्ताहरू)

3. Ways (तरिकाहरू)

4. Opportunities (अवसरहरू)

5. Options (विकल्पहरू)

6. Channels (च्यानलहरू)

Description and Origination of Avenues:

Avenues refer to paths or routes that lead to a particular destination. In a broader sense, it can also mean opportunities or options available to someone. The term originated from the Latin word “avenire,” which means “to come to.” Avenues provide individuals with different ways to approach a situation or achieve their goals. They can be physical roads or metaphorical paths that guide one’s actions. Avenues are essential for personal growth and exploration, as they offer various possibilities and choices. By exploring different avenues, individuals can expand their horizons and discover new opportunities.


1. Dead-ends (मृत-अन्त)

2. Obstacles (बाधाहरू)

3. Limitations (सीमाहरू)

4. Restraints (नियमहरू)

5. Blockages (रोकहरू)

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