Assyrians Meaning in Nepali: अस्सिरियन्स, अस्सिरियन, अस्सिरियन्सहरू
Nearby Words:
Noun: अस्सिरियन्स, अस्सिरियन, अस्सिरियन्सहरू
Adjective: अस्सिरियन्सको, अस्सिरियन्सी
Part of Speech of Assyrians:
Pronunciation of Assyrians:
Assyrians Synonyms:
1. Babylonians – बाबिलोनियन्स
2. Chaldeans – चाल्डियन्स
3. Sumerians – सुमेरियन्स
4. Mesopotamians – मेसोपोटेमियन्स
5. Akkadians – अक्काडियन्स
6. Hittites – हिटाइट्स
A very ancient civilization, the Assyrians were a Semitic people who lived in the ancient Near East. They were known for their advanced military tactics and powerful empire. The Assyrians had a significant impact on the development of Mesopotamian culture and history.
1. Allies – सहयोगीहरू
2. Friends – साथीहरू
3. Supporters – समर्थकहरू
4. Companions – साथीहरू
5. Confederates – संघीयहरू
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