as to

As to Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, “as to” can be translated into several meanings. Some of the meanings include: “सम्बन्धमा” (related to), “बारे” (about), “बाट” (from), “सम्बन्धी” (regarding), and “बाटोमा” (on the subject of).

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:

1. As (adverb) – जसरी, जस्तो, यसरी, यस्तो

2. To (preposition) – लाई, मा, को लागि, लागि

Part of Speech: “As to” is a prepositional phrase.

Pronunciation: (as to) [az too]

As to Synonyms

Here are some synonyms for “as to” in English with their Nepali translations:

1. Regarding – सम्बन्धमा

2. About – बारे

3. On the subject of – बाटोमा

4. In relation to – सम्बन्धी

5. With respect to – सम्बन्धमा

6. In terms of – मापदण्डमा


Unfortunately, there are no direct antonyms for “as to” in English or Nepali.

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