

Meaning in Nepali: योग्यता, सल्लाहकारिता

Pronunciation: (ad-vahy-zuh-bil-i-tee)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advise (verb) – सल्लाह दिनु
  • Advice (noun) – सल्लाह
  • Adviser (noun) – सल्लाहकार
  • Advisory (adjective) – सल्लाहकारिता सम्बन्धी
  • Advisee (noun) – सल्लाह लिने व्यक्ति


  • Wisdom
  • Prudence
  • Judiciousness
  • Soundness
  • Counsel


Imprudence (अविवेक), Inadvisability (अयोग्यता)

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Advisability refers to the quality or state of being advisable or worthy of being recommended. It is a noun that signifies the prudence or wisdom in making decisions or giving advice. In Nepali, it can be translated as “योग्यता” or “सल्लाहकारिता”.

Some nearby words related to advisability include “advise” (सल्लाह दिनु), “advice” (सल्लाह), “adviser” (सल्लाहकार), “advisory” (सल्लाहकारिता सम्बन्धी), and “advisee” (सल्लाह लिने व्यक्ति).

Synonyms for advisability include “wisdom,” “prudence,” “judiciousness,” “soundness,” and “counsel.” On the other hand, antonyms include “imprudence” (अविवेक) and “inadvisability” (अयोग्यता).

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the links provided above.