
Authorities Meaning in Nepali: अधिकारीहरू, प्राधिकरणहरू, अधिकार, अधिकारिता

Nearby Words:

Noun: power (शक्ति), control (नियन्त्रण), jurisdiction (अधिकार), command (हुकुम), dominion (शासन)

Adjective: authoritative (अधिकारपूर्ण), official (आधिकारिक), commanding (हुकुमको), ruling (नियमानुसार), governing (शासनको)

Part of Speech:




Authorities Synonyms:

1. officials (अधिकारीहरू)

2. government (सरकार)

3. administrators (प्रशासकहरू)

4. regulators (नियामकहरू)

5. executives (कार्यकारीहरू)

6. controllers (नियन्त्रकहरू)

Description and Origination of Authorities:

Authorities refer to individuals or organizations that have the power or control to make decisions, enforce laws, and maintain order. They are responsible for governing and regulating various aspects of society. The term “authorities” originated from the Latin word “auctoritas,” which means “influence” or “command.” In Nepali, authorities are known as “अधिकारीहरू” or “प्राधिकरणहरू.” They play a crucial role in maintaining law and order, ensuring public safety, and providing essential services to the community.


1. subordinates (अधीनस्थहरू)

2. subjects (विषयहरू)

3. citizens (नागरिकहरू)

4. civilians (नागरिकहरू)

5. individuals (व्यक्तिहरू)

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