

Meaning in Nepali: अभियान, साहसिक कार्य

Pronunciation: (अड्भेन्चर्स)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adventure (noun) – अभियान, साहसिक कार्य
  • Adventurous (adjective) – साहसिक, अभियानी
  • Adventurously (adverb) – साहसिक ढंगले
  • Adventurer (noun) – अभियानी, साहसिक व्यक्ति
  • Adventuresome (adjective) – साहसिक, अभियानी


  • Exploits (नामान्तरण)
  • Escapades (अभियान)
  • Thrills (उत्कटता)
  • Experiences (अनुभवहरू)
  • Quests (खोज)


  • Boredom (उबाउने)
  • Monotony (एकरूपता)
  • Predictability (पूर्वानुमानितता)
  • Routine (नियमितता)

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Adventures refer to exciting and daring experiences or activities. In Nepali, it is translated as “अभियान” and “साहसिक कार्य”. Adventures can include various thrilling exploits, escapades, and quests that provide a sense of excitement and fulfillment. People who seek adventures are often described as adventurous and may engage in adventuresome activities. Adventures can bring thrills and unique experiences, allowing individuals to step out of their comfort zones and explore the unknown. They offer a break from monotony and routine, providing opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. While adventures are exhilarating, they can also involve risks and challenges. However, the anticipation and adrenaline rush associated with adventures make them highly sought after by many. So, embark on your own adventures and create unforgettable memories!