
Asofnow Meaning in Nepali

Asofnow, असोफनो, अब, अहिले, अहिलेसम्म

Nearby Words

  • Adverb: अहिले (ahile)
  • Adverb: अब (ab)
  • Adverb: अहिलेसम्म (ahilesamma)

Part of Speech




Asofnow Synonyms

  • Currently (अहिले)
  • Presently (अहिले)
  • Now (अब)
  • At present (अहिले)
  • For now (अहिलेसम्म)

Asofnow, meaning “असोफनो” in Nepali, is an adverb that signifies the current moment or the present time. It is often used to describe something happening at the immediate time or to refer to the current situation. The term can be pronounced as “as-of-now.” Some synonyms of asofnow include “currently,” “presently,” “now,” “at present,” and “for now.” It is a commonly used word in everyday conversations and is essential for expressing the current state of affairs. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to online dictionaries such as,, or

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