ashlar masonry

Ashlar Masonry Meaning in Nepali

Ashlar masonry, also known as “अश्लर मेसोन्री” in Nepali, refers to a type of construction technique that involves using finely cut and dressed stones. These stones are carefully arranged in a uniform pattern to create a smooth and polished surface.

Nearby Words

  • 1. Masonry (noun) – मेसोन्री
  • 2. Construction (noun) – निर्माण
  • 3. Technique (noun) – तकनीक
  • 4. Stone (noun) – पत्थर
  • 5. Cut (verb) – काट्नु

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: ash-lar mas-uh-ner-ee

Ashlar Masonry Synonyms

  • 1. Dressed Stone – सजिलो पत्थर
  • 2. Smooth Masonry – मुल्यांकन मेसोन्री
  • 3. Polished Masonry – चम्किलो मेसोन्री
  • 4. Finely Cut Stone – सजिलो काटिएको पत्थर
  • 5. Neatly Arranged Stones – सुसजिलो रखिएका पत्थरहरू

Ashlar masonry is a construction technique that originated in ancient times and is still widely used today. It provides a strong and durable structure while also adding an aesthetic appeal to buildings. It is commonly used in the construction of walls, facades, and other architectural elements.


  • 1. Rough Masonry – कठिन मेसोन्री
  • 2. Unfinished Masonry – अपूर्ण मेसोन्री
  • 3. Irregular Stones – अनियमित पत्थरहरू
  • 4. Unpolished Masonry – अचम्किलो मेसोन्री
  • 5. Unarranged Stones – असुसजिलो पत्थरहरू

For more information on ashlar masonry, you can visit the following websites: