
Backwoods Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meaning: अनपठित गाउँ, अपठित गाउँ, अपठित भूमि, अपठित जग्गा

Nearby Words

Noun: Backyard (पछाडीको ठाउँ), Backwater (पछाडीको पानी), Backward (पछाडीको), Backwash (पछाडीको धुँवा)

Adjective: Backward (पछाडीको), Backward (अपठित), Backward (अपठित)

Part of Speech:

Backwoods is a noun.



Backwoods Synonyms:

1. Wilderness (जंगली)

2. Outback (पछाडीको ठाउँ)

3. Hinterland (पछाडीको ठाउँ)

4. Bush (जंगली)

5. Remote Area (दूरस्थ क्षेत्र)

Description and Origination of Backwoods

Backwoods refers to an area that is remote, undeveloped, and often covered with dense forests. It is typically located far away from urban or populated areas. The term originated from the idea of being deep within the woods or wilderness, away from civilization. In Nepali, backwoods can be translated as “अनपठित गाउँ” or “अपठित भूमि,” emphasizing the lack of human presence and development in such areas.


1. Urban (शहरी)

2. Developed (विकसित)

3. Populated (बसोबास गरिएको)

4. Civilized (सभ्य)

5. Metropolitan (महानगरीय)

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