

Pronunciation: [ab-uh-rij-uh-nl]

Part of Speech: adjective

Aboriginal is an adjective that describes something or someone that is native or indigenous to a particular region or country.

Nearby Words:

  • Abode – निवास
  • Abolish – उन्मूलन गर्नु
  • Abortion – गर्भपात
  • Abound – बहुतै छ
  • Absence – अनुपस्थिति
  • Abundant – प्रचुर
  • Abuse – गाली
  • Academic – शैक्षिक

Aboriginal Synonyms:

  • Native
  • Indigenous
  • Original
  • Autochthonous
  • Inborn
  • Innate
  • Inherent
  • Endemic

Aboriginal Antonyms:

  • Foreign – परदेशी
  • Exotic – अनौपचारिक
  • Non-native – अनुपचारिक
  • Alien – पराया
  • Imported – आयातित
  • External – बाह्य
  • Outlander – परदेशी
  • Visitor – आगन्तुक

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