as like

Meaning in Nepali

as like meaning in Nepali: जस्तै, जस्तो, जस्तैनै, जस्तैको

Nearby Words

adverb: as, like

preposition: as, like

conjunction: as, like

Part of Speech

as like is a phrase.


(as like) [az lahyk]

as like Synonyms

similar to (निर्मित), comparable to (तुलनीय), resembling (सदृश), akin to (समान), identical to (एकरूप), the same as (एकै जस्तो)

Description and Origination

The phrase “as like” is used to compare or describe similarities between two or more things. It is commonly used in both spoken and written English. The phrase originated from the combination of the words “as” and “like,” which individually mean “in the same way” and “similar to” respectively. When used together, they emphasize the similarity between two things.


dissimilar (असदृश), unlike (असदृश), different (विभिन्न), distinct (विशिष्ट), unrelated (असम्बन्धित)

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