
Artichokes Meaning in Nepali

Artichokes, also known as “Hathichok” or “Hathichoke” in Nepali, are a type of thistle vegetable that belongs to the sunflower family. They are native to the Mediterranean region and are widely cultivated for their edible flower buds.

Nearby Words

  • Nepali: Hathichok, Hathichoke
  • English: Thistle vegetable, Sunflower family
  • Parts of Speech: Noun



Artichokes Synonyms

  • 1. Globe artichoke – ग्लोब अर्टिचोक
  • 2. French artichoke – फ्रेंच अर्टिचोक
  • 3. Green artichoke – हरियो अर्टिचोक
  • 4. Cardoon – कार्डून
  • 5. Cynara – सिनारा

Description and Origination

Artichokes are a popular vegetable known for their unique flavor and texture. They have been cultivated for centuries and are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. The edible part of the artichoke is the flower bud, which is harvested before it fully blooms. Artichokes are commonly used in various culinary dishes and are known for their numerous health benefits.


  • English: Unappetizing, Disgusting
  • Nepali: अरुचिकर, घिनलाग्ने

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