
Aries Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, Aries can be translated into several meanings: मेष (mēṣa), भेडा (bhēḍā), भेडाको राशि (bhēḍākō rāśi), भेडाको चिन्ह (bhēḍākō cinha).

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:

1. Ram (Noun) – राम

2. Aries (Noun) – मेष

3. Arise (Verb) – उठ्नु

4. Arid (Adjective) – शुष्क

5. Aristocracy (Noun) – श्रेष्ठता

6. Arise (Noun) – उदय

Part of Speech: Aries is a noun.

Pronunciation: Aries is pronounced as “air-eez”.

Aries Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of Aries in English with their Nepali translations:

1. Ram – राम

2. Sheep – भेडा

3. Zodiac Sign – राशि

4. Astrological Sign – चिन्ह

5. Constellation – नक्षत्र

Origination of Aries

Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac. It is associated with the constellation Aries and is represented by the symbol of a ram. Aries is believed to have originated from the ancient Greek mythology, where it is associated with the Golden Fleece and the adventures of Jason and the Argonauts.


Unfortunately, there are no direct antonyms for Aries in English or Nepali.

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