at a snail’s pace

At a Snail’s Pace Meaning in Nepali

At a snail’s pace, meaning “गोधुंडी गतिमा” or “धीमै गतिमा” in Nepali, refers to doing something very slowly or at a very slow speed. It implies a lack of speed or progress, similar to the slow movement of a snail.

Nearby Words

1. Snail (Noun) – गोधुंडी

2. Pace (Noun) – गति

3. Slow (Adjective) – धीमो

4. Speed (Noun) – गति

5. Movement (Noun) – गति

Part of Speech: The phrase “at a snail’s pace” is an idiom, which is a noun phrase.

Pronunciation: at a snail’s pace (æt ə sneɪlz peɪs)

Synonyms of At a Snail’s Pace

1. Slowly – धीमै

2. Gradually – धीरै धीरै

3. Leisurely – आरामै

4. Languidly – अव्याकुलताको साथ

5. Tardily – धीमै

6. Deliberately – जानवरी रूपमा

Description and Origination:

The phrase “at a snail’s pace” originated from the slow movement of snails. Snails are known for their extremely slow pace, and this phrase is used metaphorically to describe any activity or process that is progressing very slowly. It emphasizes the lack of speed and can be used to express frustration or impatience with the slow progress.


1. Quickly – छिटो

2. Rapidly – द्रुत

3. Swiftly – झट्टै

4. Speedily – छिटो

5. Hastily – जलदीमा

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