Ardency Meaning in Nepali: उत्कटता, उत्कटताले, उत्कटताको, उत्कटताका, उत्कटतामा
Nearby Words:
Noun: उत्कटता, उत्कटताले, उत्कटताको, उत्कटताका, उत्कटतामा
Adjective: उत्कटता, उत्कटताले, उत्कटताको, उत्कटताका, उत्कटतामा
Part of Speech of Ardency:
Pronunciation of Ardency:
Ardency Synonyms:
1. Passion – जुनून
2. Intensity – तीव्रता
3. Zeal – उत्साह
4. Fervor – उत्कटता
5. Enthusiasm – उत्साह
6. Eagerness – उत्सुकता
Description and Origination of Ardency:
Ardency refers to intense passion, enthusiasm, or eagerness. It is a noun that signifies a strong and fervent desire or feeling towards something. The word originated from the Latin word “ardentia,” which means “burning” or “fiery.” Ardency is often associated with a deep commitment and dedication towards a particular goal or cause.
1. Apathy – उदासीनता
2. Indifference – उदासीनता
3. Lethargy – अव्याकुलता
4. Disinterest – उदासीनता
5. Passivity – निष्क्रियता
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