

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: (ak-see-ding)


1. To agree or give consent to a request or demand.

2. To assume a position of power or authority, especially through inheritance or election.

Nearby Words

  • Accepting: (verb) To receive or take willingly.
  • Accessing: (verb) To gain entry or obtain information.
  • Acceding: (verb) To agree or give consent to a request or demand.
  • Acceding: (verb) To assume a position of power or authority, especially through inheritance or election.
  • Accel: (noun) A device used to control the speed of a vehicle.
  • Accent: (noun) A distinctive way of pronouncing words.
  • Acceptance: (noun) The act of agreeing to something or someone.
  • Access: (noun) The ability or right to enter or use something.
