
Architectonics Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, architectonics can be translated as वास्तुशिल्प (vastushilpa), वास्तुकला (vastukala), वास्तुशास्त्र (vastushastra).

Nearby Words

– Noun: वास्तुकला (vastukala), वास्तुशिल्प (vastushilpa), वास्तुशास्त्र (vastushastra)

– Adjective: वास्तुशिल्पी (vastushilpi), वास्तुकलात्मक (vastukalatmak)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˌɑːrkɪˈtɛktɒnɪks/ (ahr-ki-tek-ton-iks)

Architectonics Synonyms

1. Construction (निर्माण, nirman)

2. Structure (संरचना, sanrachana)

3. Design (नक्शा, naksha)

4. Architecture (वास्तुकला, vastukala)

5. Building (भवन, bhavan)

6. Framework (ढांचा, dhanca)

Description and Origination of Architectonics

Architectonics refers to the art and science of designing and constructing buildings or structures. It encompasses the principles, techniques, and aesthetics involved in creating architectural designs. The term originated from the Greek word “architektonikos,” which means “master builder.” Architectonics plays a crucial role in shaping the physical environment and creating functional and visually appealing spaces.


1. Destruction (नाश, nash)

2. Demolition (विध्वंस, vidhvanas)

3. Ruin (विनाश, vinash)

4. Disarray (अव्यवस्था, avyavastha)

5. Disorder (अनुक्रम, anukram)

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