
Analogue Meaning in Nepali: अनुरूप, सदृश, सादृश्य, तुलनात्मक, समानार्थी

Nearby Words:

Noun: अनुरूपता, सदृशता, सादृश्यता, तुलनात्मकता

Adjective: अनुरूप, सदृश, सादृश्य, तुलनात्मक, समानार्थी

Part of Speech of Analogue:


Pronunciation of Analogue:

(an-uh-lawg, -log)

Analogue Synonyms:

1. Similar (सदृश)

2. Equivalent (समानार्थी)

3. Corresponding (तुलनात्मक)

4. Parallel (सादृश्य)

5. Comparable (तुलनात्मक)

6. Homologous (अनुरूप)

Analogue is a noun that refers to something that is similar or comparable to something else. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is equivalent or parallel to another thing. The term originated from the Greek word “analogos,” meaning proportionate. In Nepali, analogue can be translated as अनुरूप, सदृश, सादृश्य, तुलनात्मक, or समानार्थी.


1. Different (विभिन्न)

2. Dissimilar (असदृश)

3. Unrelated (असम्बन्धित)

4. Incompatible (असंगत)

5. Contrasting (विपरीत)

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