
Anaesthesia Meaning in Nepali

Anaesthesia, also spelled anesthesia, is a medical term that refers to the temporary loss of sensation or feeling in a specific part of the body or the entire body. In Nepali, anaesthesia can be translated as:

  • निद्रावस्था (Nidravastha)
  • अनुच्छेद (Anucchheda)
  • अस्पृश्यता (Asprishyata)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to anaesthesia:

  • Anaesthetic (noun) – अस्पृश्यक
  • Anaesthetist (noun) – अस्पृश्यविज्ञ
  • Anaesthetize (verb) – अस्पृश्यक बनाउनु

Part of Speech

The part of speech for anaesthesia is noun.


The pronunciation of anaesthesia is: /ˌanɪsˈθiːziə/.

Anaesthesia Synonyms

Here are some synonyms for anaesthesia:

  • Numbness – अस्पृश्यता
  • Unconsciousness – अचेतनता
  • Sedation – शान्तिकरण
  • Stupor – अचेतनता
  • Insensibility – अस्पृश्यता

Description and Origination of Anaesthesia

Anaesthesia is a medical technique that allows patients to undergo surgery or other medical procedures without feeling pain or discomfort. It was first introduced in the mid-19th century and has since revolutionized the field of medicine. The use of anaesthesia has made it possible to perform complex surgeries and procedures that were previously unimaginable. It has greatly improved patient outcomes and comfort during medical interventions.


Antonyms for anaesthesia include:

  • Sensation – अनुभूति
  • Awareness – जागरण
  • Consciousness – सचेतनता

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