
August Meaning in Nepali: अगस्ट, भदौ, श्रावण, श्रावणमास, भदौमास

Nearby Words:

Noun: अगस्ट, अगस्टमास, अगस्टको महिना

Adjective: भदौ, श्रावण, श्रावणमास, भदौमास

Part of Speech of August:


Pronunciation of August:


August Synonyms:

1. Majestic – शानदार

2. Dignified – गरिमापूर्ण

3. Grand – महान

4. Noble – उच्च

5. Respected – मान्य

6. Venerable – पुज्य

August is a noun in the English language that refers to the eighth month of the year. In Nepali, it can be translated as अगस्ट, भदौ, श्रावण, श्रावणमास, or भदौमास. It is pronounced as “aw-guhst”. August is often associated with summer and is known for its warm weather. It is a month of holidays and vacations for many people. The word “august” can also be used as an adjective to describe something majestic, dignified, grand, noble, respected, or venerable. It originated from the Latin word “augustus” which means “consecrated” or “venerable”. For more information about the word “august”, you can refer to,, or