
Arcade Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “arcade” can be translated into several meanings, including: अर्केड, गल्ली, चौक, बजारको छोटो ठाउँ, गल्लीबाट बनेको बजार, and गल्लीबाट बनेको ठाउँ.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech and Nepali meanings:

1. Arch (noun) – तिर्याकोन, गोपुर, द्वारको बाहिरी भाग

2. Arch (verb) – तिर्याउनु, गोपुरमा बनाउनु

3. Archaeology (noun) – पुरातत्वशास्त्र

4. Archaeologist (noun) – पुरातत्वज्ञ

5. Archaeological (adjective) – पुरातत्विक

Part of Speech

The word “arcade” is a noun.


The pronunciation of “arcade” is (ahr-keyd).

Arcade Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of “arcade” in English with their Nepali translations:

1. Gallery – ग्यालरी

2. Passage – गल्ली

3. Walkway – चलनी

4. Promenade – प्रमेनाड

5. Corridor – हल्ला

6. Aisle – गल्ली


Unfortunately, there are no specific antonyms for the word “arcade” in English or Nepali.

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