art galleries

Art Galleries Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the meaning of art galleries can be expressed in several ways: कला प्रदर्शनी संग्रहालय (kala pradarshani sangrahalaya), कला संग्रहालय (kala sangrahalaya), कला ग्यालरी (kala gyalari), कला प्रदर्शनी (kala pradarshani), and कला सङ्ग्रहालय (kala sangrahalaya).

Nearby Words:

  • Noun: कला (kala) – Art
  • Noun: प्रदर्शनी (pradarshani) – Exhibition
  • Noun: संग्रहालय (sangrahalaya) – Museum
  • Noun: ग्यालरी (gyalari) – Gallery

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (ahrt gal-uh-reez)

Art Galleries Synonyms:

  • Art Museum – कला संग्रहालय (kala sangrahalaya)
  • Art Exhibition – कला प्रदर्शनी (kala pradarshani)
  • Art Collection – कला संग्रह (kala sangraha)
  • Art Showroom – कला दुकान (kala dukāna)
  • Art Space – कला ठाउँ (kala thāu)

Description and Origination of Art Galleries:

An art gallery is a space where various forms of art, such as paintings, sculptures, and installations, are displayed for public viewing and appreciation. It serves as a platform for artists to showcase their creations and for art enthusiasts to explore and experience different artistic expressions. Art galleries have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, with the earliest known art galleries dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. They continue to play a vital role in promoting and preserving art and culture in modern society.


  • Artless – कलाहीन (kalāhīna)
  • Uncreative – असृजनशील (asṛjanashīla)
  • Nonartistic – अकलात्मक (akalātmaka)
  • Uninspiring – अप्रेरक (aprēraka)
  • Dull – निस्तेज (nistēja)

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