as easy as winking

As Easy as Winking Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा “आँखा झप्काउनु भन्दा नै सजिलो” भन्नाले अर्थ छ।

Nearby Words:

Noun: Wink (आँखा झप्काउनु), Gesture (इशारा), Blink (आँखा झप्काउनु), Signal (संकेत), Indication (सूचना)

Verb: Blink (आँखा झप्काउनु), Nod (झुक्नु), Gesture (इशारा गर्नु), Signal (संकेत गर्नु), Indicate (सूचित गर्नु)

Part of Speech:

As easy as winking is an idiom.


(as ee-zee az wing-king)

As Easy as Winking Synonyms:

Effortless (सजिलो), Piece of cake (खाजा), Breeze (हवा), Child’s play (बालको खेल), Cakewalk (खाजा खेल)

Description and Origination:

The phrase “as easy as winking” means something that is very simple or effortless. It originated from the action of winking, which is a quick and easy movement of the eye. This idiom is used to describe tasks or actions that can be completed without much effort or difficulty.


Difficult (कठिन), Challenging (चुनौतीपूर्ण), Complex (जटिल), Arduous (कठिन), Laborious (मेहनतशील)

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