
Adulterine Meaning in Nepali

Adulterine (अपवित्र, अवैध) is an English word that can be translated into Nepali as अपवित्र or अवैध.

Pronunciation: (uh-duhl-tuh-reen)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Adulterate (Verb) – मिलाउनु, मिश्रण गर्नु
  • Adulteration (Noun) – मिलाउने क्रिया, मिश्रण
  • Adulterer (Noun) – अपवित्री, अवैध सम्बन्ध राख्ने व्यक्ति
  • Adulteress (Noun) – अपवित्रिणी, अवैध सम्बन्ध राख्ने महिला
  • Adulterously (Adverb) – अपवित्रतापूर्वक, अवैध रूपमा


  • Illegitimate
  • Unlawful
  • Spurious
  • Counterfeit
  • Fraudulent


The antonym of adulterine in Nepali is वैधिक (Vaidhik).


Adulterine is an adjective that describes something as impure or illegitimate. It can refer to a person, thing, or action that is not genuine or lawful. In Nepali, it can be translated as अपवित्र or अवैध.

Some nearby words related to adulterine include adulterate (मिलाउनु, मिश्रण गर्नु), adulteration (मिलाउने क्रिया, मिश्रण), adulterer (अपवित्री, अवैध सम्बन्ध राख्ने व्यक्ति), adulteress (अपवित्रिणी, अवैध सम्बन्ध राख्ने महिला), and adulterously (अपवित्रतापूर्वक, अवैध रूपमा).

Synonyms for adulterine include illegitimate, unlawful, spurious, counterfeit, and fraudulent. The antonym of adulterine in Nepali is वैधिक (Vaidhik).

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