
Arm Meaning in Nepali: हात, बाह्रे, बाहु, बाहुनी, बाहुनीले, हातले

Nearby Words:

Noun: Shoulder (कन्धा), Elbow (कोही), Wrist (कलाई), Hand (हात), Finger (औंला)

Verb: Hold (पक्रनु), Carry (लिनु), Embrace (आलिंगन गर्नु), Support (सहयोग गर्नु), Equip (सजाउनु)

Part of Speech:




Arm Synonyms:

1. Limb – अंग

2. Appendage – अंश

3. Extremity – अन्त्य

4. Member – सदस्य

5. Forelimb – अग्रपाद

6. Wing – पखा

Description and Origination:

An arm refers to the upper limb of the human body, extending from the shoulder to the hand. It is used for various activities such as lifting, carrying, and manipulating objects. The term “arm” originated from the Old English word “earm.” In Nepali, it is commonly referred to as “हात” or “बाह्रे.” The arm plays a crucial role in performing daily tasks and is essential for mobility and interaction with the environment.


1. Leg – पात

2. Foot – पैर

3. Lower limb – तल्लो अंग

4. Trunk – खाली भाग

5. Torso – खाली भाग

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