anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic Respiration Meaning in Nepali

नेपालीमा अनायरोबिक श्वसनको अर्थ छ।

Nepali Meanings of Anaerobic Respiration:

अनायरोबिक श्वसनको नेपाली अर्थका केही उदाहरणहरू:

  • अवायुरहित श्वसन
  • अवायुरहित प्राणिसंचार
  • अवायुरहित श्वसन प्रक्रिया

Nearby Words:

नजिकै शब्दहरू (पार्ट अफ स्पीचसहितका साथ। प्रत्येक नेपाली अर्थसँगै):

  • Respiration (Noun) – श्वसन
  • Aerobic (Adjective) – वायुसंचारसम्बन्धी
  • Breathing (Noun) – सास

Part of Speech:

Anaerobic Respiration is a noun.


(उच्चारण: अनायरोबिक श्वसन)

Anaerobic Respiration Synonyms:

अनायरोबिक श्वसनका पर्यायशब्दहरू (संघीय अंग्रेजीमा नेपाली अनुवादसहित):

  • Cellular Respiration – कोशिकीय श्वसन
  • Fermentation – खाना पदार्थको उद्घाटन
  • Anoxic Respiration – अवायुरहित श्वसन
  • Incomplete Respiration – अपूर्ण श्वसन
  • Non-oxygen Respiration – अक्सिजन रहित श्वसन

Description and Origination:

Anaerobic respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in the absence of oxygen. It is a vital energy-producing pathway used by certain organisms, including bacteria and yeast, to generate energy when oxygen is not available. This process involves the breakdown of glucose or other organic compounds to produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) without the need for oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is commonly observed in anaerobic bacteria, which can survive and thrive in environments with low or no oxygen levels. It is an ancient form of respiration that predates the evolution of oxygen-producing organisms. Anaerobic respiration plays a crucial role in various biological and industrial processes, such as fermentation and biogas production.


अन्तरार्थी शब्दहरू (अंग्रेजीमा नेपाली अनुवादसहित):

  • Aerobic Respiration – वायुसंचारित श्वसन
  • Oxygen-dependent Respiration – अक्सिजनबाट निर्भर श्वसन

For more information, you can refer to the following sources:
