
Agency Meaning in Nepali

Agency (noun) – एजेन्सी, एजेन्सीको, एजेन्सीहरूको

Pronunciation: [ey-juhn-see]

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Agent (noun) – एजेन्ट, एजेन्टको
  • Agenda (noun) – अजेन्डा, अजेन्डाको
  • Aggravate (verb) – भड्काउनु, भड्काउने
  • Aggression (noun) – आक्रमण, आक्रमणको
  • Agile (adjective) – चुस्त, चुस्तको


  • Authority – अधिकार, अधिकारको
  • Power – शक्ति, शक्तिको
  • Control – नियन्त्रण, नियन्त्रणको
  • Influence – प्रभाव, प्रभावको
  • Capability – क्षमता, क्षमताको


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Article on “Agency” in English

Agency refers to the capacity or ability to act or exert power. It is the state of being in action or exerting power, often on behalf of someone else or an organization. In the context of business, an agency is a company or organization that provides services on behalf of another company or individual.

Having agency means having the power to make choices and take actions that can influence outcomes. It involves being proactive and taking responsibility for one’s actions. In psychology, agency is also associated with a sense of control and autonomy over one’s own life.

Within the legal system, an agency relationship is formed when one person, known as the principal, authorizes another person, known as the agent, to act on their behalf. This can include making decisions, signing contracts, or representing the principal in various matters.

Overall, agency encompasses the concept of empowerment and the ability to make a difference. It plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, from personal development to business operations.

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