after hours

After Hours

Meaning in Nepali: अफ्टर हर्स (aphṭar harsa), अफ्टर घण्टा (aphṭar ghanṭā)

Pronunciation: (af-ter ow-ers)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Aftermath: अन्तिम परिणाम (antima parināma), उपशम (upaśama)
  • Afternoon: दिउसो (diuso), बिहान (bihāna)
  • Afterthought: अन्तिम विचार (antima vicāra), उपशम (upaśama)


  • Post-work
  • Off-hours
  • Evening
  • Late-night
  • Non-business hours


  • During business hours: व्यापारिक समयमा (vyāpārika samayamā)

For more information on “After Hours,” you can visit the following links:

After Hours refers to the time period after regular working hours or the official closing time of a business. It is commonly used to describe activities or events that take place outside of normal operating hours. During after hours, people engage in various leisure activities, social gatherings, or pursue personal interests. It is a time when individuals can relax, unwind, and enjoy their free time. The term “After Hours” can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is unconventional, secretive, or outside the norm. It is often associated with nightlife, entertainment, and the vibrant energy of cities during the late-night hours.