archi ves

Archi ves Meaning in Nepali

Archi ves, अर्काइभ्स, संग्रहालय, राखचित्र, राखसंग्रह, राखसंग्रहालय

Nearby Words

– Archive (noun) – अर्काइभ, राखसंग्रह

– Archivist (noun) – अर्काइविस्ट

– Archival (adjective) – अर्काइवल

– Archiving (verb) – अर्काइव गर्नु

– Archivalize (verb) – अर्काइवलाइज

Part of Speech of Archi ves


Pronunciation of Archi ves


Archi ves Synonyms

– Records (रेकर्डहरू)

– Documents (कागजातहरू)

– Files (फाइलहरू)

– Repository (संग्रहालय)

– Collection (संग्रह)

– Storage (संग्रहण)

Description and Origination of Archi ves

Archi ves refer to a collection of historical records or documents that are preserved for future reference. It is derived from the Latin word “archivum,” meaning a place for storing public records. Archi ves play a crucial role in preserving the cultural, historical, and administrative heritage of a society. They provide valuable insights into the past and serve as a valuable resource for researchers, historians, and scholars. Archi ves can be found in various forms, including physical documents, digital files, photographs, and audiovisual recordings. They are typically organized and maintained by archivists or professionals specializing in archival management.


– Destroy (नष्ट गर्नु)

– Erase (मेटाउनु)

– Delete (मेटाउनु)

– Eliminate (नष्ट गर्नु)

– Discard (छोड्नु)

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