Assembler Meaning in Nepali: असेम्बलर, जोड्ने व्यक्ति, जोड्ने यन्त्र
Nearby Words:
Noun: असेम्बली, जोड्ने यन्त्र, जोड्ने व्यक्ति
Verb: जोड्नु, जोड्ने
Part of Speech:
Assembler Synonyms:
1. Compiler – संकलक
2. Joiner – जोड्ने
3. Connector – जोड्ने
4. Integrator – एकीकरणकर्ता
5. Unifier – एकीकर्ता
6. Combining Agent – जोड्ने एजेन्ट
Description and Origination of Assembler:
An assembler is a person or machine that converts assembly language into machine code. It is a software tool used in computer programming to translate low-level assembly language instructions into machine code. Assemblers are commonly used in the development of operating systems and other software applications. They play a crucial role in the compilation process, helping programmers write efficient and optimized code. Assemblers originated in the early days of computing when programmers needed a way to convert human-readable assembly language instructions into machine-executable code. Today, assemblers are still widely used in various programming environments.
1. Disassembler – असेम्बलर खोल्ने यन्त्र
2. Decompiler – डिकम्पाइलर
3. Dissociator – विभाजक
4. Separator – विभाजक
5. Splitter – विभाजक
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