after death

After Death

Meaning in Nepali: मृत्युपश्चात्, निधनपश्चात्

Pronunciation: (mrit-yu-pash-chāt, nid-han-pash-chāt)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Funeral (noun) – अन्त्येष्टि, अन्त्यक्रिया
  • Grief (noun) – शोक, दुःख
  • Spirit (noun) – आत्मा, भूत
  • Reincarnation (noun) – पुनर्जन्म, जन्मान्तरण
  • Cemetery (noun) – श्मशान, मरणभूमि


  • Postmortem
  • Hereafter
  • Afterlife
  • Departure
  • Passing


  • Birth (जन्म)
  • Life (जीवन)

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After death refers to the period that occurs following a person’s demise. It is a concept that explores what happens to an individual’s consciousness, soul, or spirit after the physical body ceases to exist. In various cultures and religions, beliefs about the afterlife differ significantly. Some envision an eternal paradise or heaven, while others believe in reincarnation or the cycle of rebirth. The concept of after death often raises questions about the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the possibility of an afterlife. It is a topic that has fascinated humanity for centuries, inspiring philosophical, religious, and spiritual discussions. Exploring the concept of after death can provide insights into different cultural perspectives and personal beliefs surrounding mortality and the unknown.