
Assaults Meaning in Nepali: आक्रमणहरू, हमलाहरू, धावीहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: Attack (हमला), Aggression (आक्रमण), Violence (हिंसा), Offense (अपराध), Onslaught (धावी)

Verb: Attack (हमला गर्नु), Strike (मार्नु), Hit (चोट पुगाउनु), Assault (आक्रमण गर्नु), Invade (छिन्नु)

Part of Speech:




Assaults Synonyms:

1. Attack – हमला

2. Aggression – आक्रमण

3. Violence – हिंसा

4. Offense – अपराध

5. Onslaught – धावी

Description and Origination of Assaults:

An assault refers to a physical attack or an act of violence towards someone. It can also be used to describe an aggressive and forceful action or behavior. The term “assaults” originated from the Latin word “assultare,” which means to leap upon or attack. In legal terms, assault is considered a crime and can lead to severe consequences. It is important to understand the gravity of assaults and work towards creating a safe and peaceful society.


1. Defense – रक्षा

2. Protection – सुरक्षा

3. Security – सुरक्षा

4. Safety – सुरक्षा

5. Peace – शान्ति

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