Affaire d’honneur
Meaning in Nepali: गौरवान्वित विवाद, सम्मान युद्ध
Pronunciation: [af-er duh-ner]
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- 1. Affair (noun): कार्य, व्यवसाय, सम्बन्ध
- 2. Affection (noun): प्रेम, स्नेह, आदर
- 3. Affirm (verb): पुष्टि गर्नु, स्थापित गर्नु, दावा गर्नु
- 1. Duel
- 2. Conflict
- 3. Encounter
- 4. Clash
- 5. Contest
असमर्थन, असहमति, असहमति व्यक्त गर्नु
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Affaire d’honneur, meaning “affair of honor” in English, refers to a duel or conflict fought to defend one’s honor. It is a term derived from French and is commonly used to describe a situation where individuals engage in a formal combat or confrontation to settle a dispute or restore their reputation. In Nepali, it can be translated as “गौरवान्वित विवाद” or “सम्मान युद्ध.” This phrase is a noun and is often associated with historical contexts or traditional codes of conduct.
Some nearby words include “affair” (कार्य, व्यवसाय, सम्बन्ध), “affection” (प्रेम, स्नेह, आदर), and “affirm” (पुष्टि गर्नु, स्थापित गर्नु, दावा गर्नु). Synonyms for affaire d’honneur include “duel,” “conflict,” “encounter,” “clash,” and “contest.” Antonyms include words like “असमर्थन” (disagreement), “असहमति” (dissent), and “असहमति व्यक्त गर्नु” (express disagreement).