Part of Speech: Verb
Abbreviating is the act of shortening a word or phrase by omitting certain letters or syllables. It is commonly used to create acronyms or shorten lengthy terms for convenience and efficiency.
Nepali Meanings
1. छोटो पार्नु (Chhoto parnu) – to make smaller
2. संक्षेप गर्नु (Sankshep garnu) – to summarize
Nearby Words
1. Abbreviation – संक्षेप (Sankshep) – a shortened form of a word or phrase
2. Acronym – आक्षरिक (Aaksharik) – a word formed from the initial letters of other words
3. Contraction – संकुचन (Sankuchan) – a shortened form of a word or phrase by omitting letters
1. Shorten
2. Condense
3. Reduce
1. Elongate – लम्बा गर्नु (Lamba garnu)
2. Expand – बढाउनु (Badhaunu)
3. Lengthen – लामो गर्नु (Lamo garnu)
For more information on abbreviating, you can visit the following sources: