advocate general

Advocate General

Meaning in Nepali: अधिवक्ता महासचिव, वकील महासचिव

Pronunciation: (ad-vuh-kit jen-er-uhl)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advocate: वकील (noun), समर्थक (noun)
  • General: सर्वाधिकारी (noun), सामान्य (adjective)


  • Legal Advisor
  • Attorney General
  • Lawyer General
  • Legal Representative
  • Legal Counsel


No antonyms found.

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Advocate General refers to the highest legal officer of a state government in India. In Nepali, it is translated as “अधिवक्ता महासचिव” or “वकील महासचिव.” As a noun, it represents a legal position responsible for providing legal advice to the government and representing the state in legal matters. The term “advocate” means “वकील” or “समर्थक” in Nepali, while “general” translates to “सर्वाधिकारी” (noun) or “सामान्य” (adjective). Synonyms for Advocate General include Legal Advisor, Attorney General, Lawyer General, Legal Representative, and Legal Counsel. Unfortunately, no antonyms were found for this term. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and