
Army Meaning in Nepali: सेना, युद्धसेना, थालसेना, रक्षासेना

Nearby Words:

Noun: soldier (सैनिक), battalion (बटालियन), regiment (रेजिमेन्ट), force (बल), troop (ट्रुप)

Verb: enlist (भर्ती गर्नु), mobilize (संघटित गर्नु), deploy (विस्तार गर्नु), recruit (भर्ती गर्नु), train (तालिम दिनु)

Part of Speech:




Army Synonyms:

1. military (सैन्य)

2. armed forces (सशस्त्र सेना)

3. militia (स्वतन्त्र सेना)

4. defense force (रक्षा बल)

5. fighting force (लडाई बल)

6. war machine (युद्ध यन्त्र)

Description and Origination of Army:

An army is a military organization that primarily focuses on land-based warfare. It is responsible for protecting a nation’s sovereignty, maintaining peace, and defending against external threats. The concept of an army dates back to ancient times when civilizations formed organized groups of soldiers to protect their territories. Throughout history, armies have played a crucial role in shaping the world and influencing the outcome of conflicts. In Nepal, the army is known as “सेना” (sena) and has a long-standing tradition of bravery and dedication.


1. civilian (नागरिक)

2. pacifist (शान्तिवादी)

3. noncombatant (युद्धविरामी)

4. peacemaker (शान्तिकर्ता)

5. protester (विरोधी)

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