

Meaning in Nepali: लाभ, फाइदा

Pronunciation: (advantages) [uhd-van-tij-iz]

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Benefit: (noun) लाभ, फाइदा
  • Opportunity: (noun) अवसर, मौका
  • Prosperity: (noun) समृद्धि, खुशहाली
  • Success: (noun) सफलता, यश
  • Merit: (noun) गुण, योग्यता


  • Benefits
  • Upsides
  • Assets
  • Pros
  • Perks


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Advantages, also known as “लाभ” or “फाइदा” in Nepali, refer to the positive aspects or benefits of a particular situation, action, or decision. As a noun, advantages highlight the favorable outcomes or gains that can be obtained. They are often seen as valuable assets or perks that contribute to success, prosperity, and overall merit. Some synonyms for advantages include benefits, upsides, assets, pros, and perks. While there are no direct antonyms for advantages in Nepali, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks or disadvantages that may exist alongside the benefits. Understanding the advantages of a given circumstance can help individuals make informed choices and maximize positive outcomes. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to reputable online sources such as,, and

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